Michael Curtis Photography | EXIST IN PHOTOS (Part 1)

July 07, 2015

EXIST IN PHOTOS for family and friends
I was fortunate to be able to travel with my fifteen year old son to visit my hometown of St. Louis for a family reunion. As a Seattle wedding photographer with a love for photography I coaxed my mother to pull out her boxes of photographs. We invited my sister and brother who I rarely get to see over to look through a boxes of pictures. It was great fun looking at images from our childhood and recalling memories of family celebrations, vacations and and life as a child. We were all thankful that photography played such an important part of our life. It was truly a blessing to have so many photos of my dad who passed away a few years ago. It was especially fun to share with my son the stories associates with the photos and be able to visually show the family tree. I appreciate the value of the family heritage we have preserved in the many photographs. 

Exist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | St. Louis ArchExist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | St. Louis Arch
Exist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | Elephant Rocks State Park, MOExist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | Elephant Rocks State Park, MO
Exist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | Family Reunion 2015Exist in Photos | Michael Curtis Photography | Family Reunion 2015